Dear students,
We are happy to inform you that SITM is going to conduct a competition "ECOHACK SITM" on the topic " Technology innovation for Environmental Solutions" . The students are requested to take active participation in the competition. We will be glad for your active participation . Please register for the competition by 20 Dec, 2020.
- One group : 2 members
- Online platform : Microsoft Team
- Team Name
- Team members name
- Topic Name
- Existing Environmental challenge or problem
- Suggested technology used
- Algorithm/ procedure
- Conclusion
- References
- (You can add more topics)
- Duration of presentation of one group: 20 min
- Qualifying round : 21 DEC, 2020
- FINAL ROUND : 27 DEC, 2020
1ST PRIZE: 3000
2ND PRIZE : 2000
3RD PRIZE: 1000
Google form :
Thanks and Regards
Dilip Tiwari
EEE & ECE Dept